Roman Clark - Work Experience Student 25-11-2024

Late November 2024, we had Roman Clark join us for 5 days of work experience. Roman is a student at the Sir Bernard Lovell Academy in Oldland Common. Roman's Mum works in the Rise cafe at the Science Park and she was excited that Roman would get experience of working in software and electronics. It was also an opportunity for us all to learn just who Sir Bernard Lovell was and what he achieved in his long and distiguished career.
We ask our Work Experience students to keep a diary of their days with us, and this is Roman's.
Day 1 Wrote code to create flashing LEDs, and then turn them into a sequence to create flashing light.
On the second day the code was changed to cycle through the four previously provided LEDs and introduced a spectrometer
The third day introduced an LCD screen and RGB lights, new programming knowledge that was learnt was used to display text and change the colour of the RGB depending on how far the potentiometer on the board was turned.
The fourth day combined the rgb colour changing code and a digital oscilloscope to learn about the wavelengths of colours and detect what colours were being presented when the potentiometers were turned. At the same time, The potentiometer was used to create the illusion of the LEDs brightness changing as you turned it.
On the fifth and final day, an accelerometer was programmed to show the coordinates of the angle the board was at, and then presented onto the LCD screen, an Infrared Thermometer was also used to accurately determine the temperature of the board, to ensure an accurate temperature was displayed from the code. The colour of the rgb light was also put onto the LCD screen to see if any problems were in the code, which there was not and therefore meant i was successful in my work experience journey with XOR systems.
Thanks to Jeff and the team for making time for my work experience which i enjoyed very much. I learnt a lot and really appreciate the opportunity I was given.